Gospel partners

Singleton Evangelical Church

This mission is an amazing partnership with Singleton Evangelical Church (SEC)!

SEC is a church with a heart for telling people about Jesus and the mission plays a big part in the church’s strategy to proclaim Jesus to the Hunter area. The church helps us run the kid’s program and in turn gives them a way to establish relationships in community. We spend a lot of time with the church and it’s always an encouragement to know that whatever work we do is continued by them throughout the year!

For more information about Singleton Evangelical Church, please see: www.singletonchurch.org

Maitland Alive

Maitland Alive is the sister mission of Singleton Alive!

They’re a similar mission about an hour down the highway and partnering with SEC’s sister church, Maitland Evangelical Church. The team still maintains close ties with the Singleton Alive. We partner with them in prayer and try to meet up with them during mission and throughout the year.

For more information about Maitland Alive, please see: www.maitlandalive.wordpress.com